Revive XP

(Rodolfosaurio) #1

Shouldn’t revive XP match the ammount of health given to the downed player?
For example if Aura is revived to full you would get 80, but if you have the “get up” perk and revive Fragger full charged you would get 130.

(kopyright) #2

I think you already get bonus XP for reviving downed players to full health.

(Press E) #3

@kopyright said:
I think you already get bonus XP for reviving downed players to full health.

You do, but it’s kinda weird. You get 100 XP for a full charge, but that even applies to mercs with less than 100 total HP. You can also only get 100 XP even if you have the get up perk, despite the fact that you’re reviving 130 HP instead of 100.

(Rodolfosaurio) #4

Yeah and one should never full charge when reviving low HP characters since it’s not necessary

(Ptiloui) #5

@Rodolfosaurio said:
Yeah and one should never full charge when reviving low HP characters since it’s not necessary

Indeed, and considering Get Up augment too. It’s like Phoenix healing pulse : the optimal way would be to charge what you really need, taking into account Potent packs augment.

Talking about this, I just figured out that Get Up only gives 30% more hp, compared to 50% bonus before. Don’t remember when it got nerfed.

(Press E) #6

@Ptiloui said:
Talking about this, I just figured out that Get Up only gives 30% more hp, compared to 50% bonus before. Don’t remember when it got nerfed.

Must have been a long time ago, because I didn’t even know it was ever 50%, and I’ve been a medic main since I joined lol

But I can see why they would. SD wants to avoid stuff like sparks’ 383 card where nothing else is really worth it