Return to Castle Wolfenstein™ 13th Anniversary Event

(William Faure) #1

Important With Ronboy (Mike), we’re planning an event on Facebook, called “Return to Castle Wolfenstein™ 13th Anniversary Event”, that will happen on November 18th.

[li]But for this event to be, we need trailers and/or teasers of some mappers and/or modders currently working on single-player and/or multi-player projects. For more information, read on the attached picture the details, or simply ask me or Ronboy.

Soon, a website will be available with every detail.

(W0lfMan) #2

I would be happy to show off my upcoming map as part of this event.

(ronboy) #3

That’s the spirit! I plan to show off my project Horrors of Hell for this event. :smiley:

(GS384) #4

One of the best mp video tributes of rtcw ever made:

(William Faure) #5

The past, the present and the future of Return to Castle Wolfenstein.

This on-line event will remember to the fans and players of the game what happened since 2001, about the maps and mods released for single-player and multi-player, during a short movie. The story of the game, its maps and mods, will be told during the movie. The event will also show a large quantity of trailers and teasers, about future maps and mods for single-player and [Click-here to read more].

(melc_av) #6

In your list about spmaps for year 2010 I saw one spmap called Telo. Where I can download it?

(melc_av) #7

Hello all,
In your list about spmaps for year 2010 I saw that you included a spmap called Telo. I don’t hear about it until now. Where from I can download it?

(ronboy) #8

Calm down, melc_av. I haven’t heard about this “Telo” map either though.

(melc_av) #9

Thx for fast answer

(ronboy) #10

Titeuf will be hosting a 15th Anniversary Event for Rtcw! Check my website for more information:

(ronboy) #11

The Rtcw 15th Anniversary Event was held today by Titeuf! Check my website for more information:

(ronboy) #12

Today marks the 16th birthday for Rtcw! An article by Titeuf-85 has been published regarding this. Check my website for more information: