Return of the Senpai, Sniff

(EverythingElse) #1


He also said after that match he was going to make a video of that gameplay :open_mouth: And if you cant find him he is top of the scoreboard on mah team.

(bontsa) #2

My vertigo is back too with the introduction of +9000 FoV screenshots.

(Herr_Hanz) #3

thats not him. sniff is fletcher. not aura.

(Your worst knifemare.) #4

Theres a Fletcher in his squad.

(EverythingElse) #5

Yea i was like wottt but then he rekt kids with the knife so it was all good

(Xenithos) #6

He was doing an Aura Stabbity Stab challenge, he actually did one long back before they added a turn limiter in. If I’d known that match I would have brought MY stabbity stabbity Aura. Did get him once in his video though. (Vanilla Fire)

(SweetGenocide) #7

You were in his video!

(EverythingElse) #8

i was too :smiley:

(PewPewSkittles) #9

Wow, I’ve never seen anyone hack with a knife before! =P

(SirSwag) #10

I’d love to see a screenshot of Sniff’s most played mercs and the top not being Fletcher XD

(EverythingElse) #11

Thats impossibru

(SweetGenocide) #12

Thats impossibru[/quote]

goes to send a private message to sniff-sama of his most played mercs