Restricted Loadouts (for fun)

(tangoliber) #1

Suggest some!

Here is a 4v4 ruleset. You must have one of each class.

The Engineer: Medium with Mossington and Ritchie
Only pyro-mines and turrets allowed as deployables. No regular mines.

The Medic: Medium with FRKN-3K and Sea Eagle
All abilities allowed

The Heavy Soldier: Heavy with Mini-gun and Mossington
No grenade buffs or flashbangs

The Sniper Operative: Light operative with Barnett and Belgo
No sticky bombs

My thinking is that with this group of weapons, the Mini-gun would be pretty powerful and encourage the team (sniper aside) to stick with the Soldier and support him. With only one engy and no sticky bombs, the Offense would have less pressure to constantly harrass the objective since the Defense’s ability to fortify is now limited. Therefore, the offense is encouraged to group up more.

The lack of grenade buffs is because this game mode is designed around teams sticking together, and powerful grenades promote the opposite.

I’m not trying to “fix problems” in Brink. I like mines, sticky bombs, flashbangs, etc. I’m just trying to come up with an alternate ruleset for the game that provides a different feeling, and changes up the tactics a little bit.

Is there anyone on PC or PS3 that would like to try out a 4v4 with these rules?

(tangoliber) #2

We are running this game in about 2 hours… If anyone on PS3 would like to join in, message tangoliber.

Current ruleset is here:

(tangoliber) #3

The first attempt at this went pretty well. We had trouble keeping 8 people online at one time, so we took out the operatives and played Aquarium and Labs.

The Mossington was probably more powerful than I anticipated, and seemed to dominate the match a lot of the time… except on the Aquarium escort objective, where it was pretty weak. Maybe we need to tweak the rules to make sure the Heavy is the most powerful player, or maybe we need to just play bigger maps.

Overall, I really liked the pace of the game, and the increased focus on teamwork.