Rerolling loadout function?

(HadronZodiac) #1

For quite some time ive had this idea, just didnt post it (idk why)

Anyways, its simple

You are given the option to reroll any loadout (except normal card bronzes)(weapon card bronzes are rerollable)
It will cost 1/2 the forge cost (aka, a cobalt would cost 25k to reroll a cobalt loadout) and a light amount of fragments (~1/10 the forge cost)

This reroll will not change the merc it is for, or its rarity, ONLY the LOADOUT for that merc

what do you guys think?


Our loadout/crafting system is abysmal so this gets a thumbs up from me. I’m desperate for any kind of positive change at this point. Only took 'em 10 years to give us the ability to recycle our duplicates and useless SE cards…

(Teflon Love) #3

Has been suggested by others years ago and ignored by SD since then. Move on.

(K1X455) #4

I think you can…

  • Recycle the unwanted loadout you currently have and get fragments for it

  • Roll for another loadout at fragment and credit cost, and hope to get the skin and loadout you wanted

It took me over a year to craft this:

(Ptiloui) #5

What the matter if the only cards you can reroll are those you can craft anytime ?
A reroll option will be more useful on SE cards (those we got from rng cases).

(HadronZodiac) #6

thats not rerolling it, thats getting rid of the old one and making a new one (also hella expensive, in credits and fragments)

Thats mostly to promote trading, which SHOULD come one day. Plus, yeah you can craft any time, but having to craft a gold or cobalt 3 times to get a semi decent loadout is annoying as all hell (trust me, i know)

(Ptiloui) #7

… which should be even more promoted with the ability to reroll special edition cards, as well with weapon skin polishing (like… who will ever be interested in a bronze scarred or worn skin…)

(ThePigVomit) #8

The new dev vid just crushed all of our weapon polishing hopes…completly dropped from the roadmap, no intention of revisiting it.

Stupid, stupid move.

Clueless as to how to retain and engage players once they get on board.

Basic business principle. It is MUCH less expensive to retain a customer than it is to obtain one.

(HadronZodiac) #9

Yeah i guess that IS true, as a bad loadout is a bad loadout no matter what, ill change it ;p

Also, this is to reroll loadouts not weapon skins

If you have a bronze weapon skin, u have a bronze weapon skin (which is why they are adding trading up for bronze skins)

(kopyright) #10

I don’t think this would be necessary for standard loadouts which can be crafted anytime. What else would you need all your shiny credits for?

Special Edition loadout cards you can’t craft yourself, though? Hell yes.

(HadronZodiac) #11

yeye cuz spending at least 100k credits for a decent loadout (assuming you are making a cobalt, and you were part of the large percentage who arent happy with the outcome) is fun. Tbh not everyone has 444k credits to spare (including me, especially because steam felt like losing my game data)

(kopyright) #12

That’s what contracts are for. You can’t have both maximum rewards and minimum effort at the same time.

(HadronZodiac) #13

contracts are for a slightly higher increase in wage for stuff like mercs and skins yes

However i shouldnt need to craft 3 expensive cards just for a useable loadout

Ive had to craft 3 golds for a kira for a loadout that actually was capable of doing something for me

= not fun^

(kopyright) #14

Well, with Steam Trading coming soon™ you will be able to skip that tedious part of actually playing the game to earn stuff altogether.

(HadronZodiac) #15

You realize you cant trade stuff like cobalts and golds right?

(kopyright) #16

In that case it’s more missions until they will eventually change their mind. DB’s roadmap is not exactly set in stone lately… more like quicksand.

(Runeforce) #17

I think the loadout/skin system is utter garbage, and asking for minor adjustments is point- and thoughtless.

(HadronZodiac) #18

Agreed, except devs wont fix it

might as well make it so it doesnt hurt as much when you get stabbed by a shitty expensive loadout