Request for Line of Sight Aide

(Jerry-Rigs) #1

This was mentioned in a different thread but I wanted to flesh it out a little.
I would like there to be a line of sight button that allows you to pick a spot on the map and highlight everything that is in LOS from that position (without considering range). This is a lot like selecting an enemy toon and seeing the red cross hairs of where they can shoot from that position.

The UI could be something like:

[li]Put another button near UNDO that looks like cross hairs or an eyeball
[/li][li]Tap the button and the whole map gets shaded (or alternatively left alone)
[/li][li]Tap a position on the map and the areas that are in LOS from that position are unshaded (or alternatively highlighted).
[/li][li]The view stays in effect through zooms and rotations
[/li][li]The view returns to normal on any other tap.

This would be helpful to explore movements and understand what position you are leaving your opponent. Admittedly, the more experienced players know the maps but it would be quicker than “hand mapping” every possible move.

(Warchest_Andy) #2

I think this would be great, particularly for newer players, provided it doesn’t slow things down too much. A “nice to have” rather than a “need to have” though, IMHO.

(g00n) #3

I think this area is very important for players development to learn from experience. Making misjudgements is all about the game … and to remember not to repeat ot :wink:
Maybe as an attribute for a future toon as a tactical skill? Otherwise The clicking on enemy range red circles are fine and estimate the squares that enemy can quickly eliminate spot. I learnt the hardest on old town map with snipers.

(Jerry-Rigs) #4

@Warchest_Andy: I agree, a nice to have. “Slow things down too much”? In what way? It’s play by mail, so turn around time is player and time zone dependent. Slow the UI? It’s a user option. The code should be comparable to the “what can the opponent toon shoot”. Performance should not be an issue.

@g00n: I understand your point of view and there is nothing wrong with. Experience is always critical and a good teacher. Depending on my mood and opponent, I may play fast and loose and wing it. In those cases, good enough is good enough. In the forums, other players that are more experienced than me have compared the game the chess. In chess, the board and the capabilities are well known, it’s the tactics that vary. This is not a twitch game although it can be played that way.

(Hundopercent) #5

I would like to know where my toon can shoot, from his current location, or Arti even if it doesn’t have enough energy to fire. Anything more than that might be too excessive.

(Coup_de_grace) #6

Line of Sight is only useful in determining odd angles or corners affected by obstacles. Other than that one can easily count how far of a reach your weapon can go. The range calculation works the same concept as the counting for detecto-sweep radius. Eg: If its 5 squares, count the SHORTEST diagonal+vertical distance away from CURRENT position. That is the range. No matter it’s sideways or opponent is at an angle the same concept applies. Range distance does not go DIAGONALLY, hence it is 4 squares away and not 2 squares diagonally.

If that is difficult to understand, you can also follow the movement display indicator. Eg: If you can shoot 8 squares away, any one of the eight square movement radius from toon position is your weapon’s max range. Of course this is only the case when it’s an open ground. For obstacle-ed LoS scouting, the Artillery Strike Skill can be a tool to assist that. For more detailed explanation, visit the Advance Strategy Page 2 <Special Issue - The Holy Grail of all Skills>

(Jerry-Rigs) #7

Absolutely. However I think the use of the word “only” is somewhat pejorative. Determining odd angles or corners affected by obstacles is very important when I’m trying to cover my light medic from two Gus assisted heavy snipers or how I can lay out an inescapable kill zone.

Critical? No. Useful? Very.