bump bump, just 1 more!
Reputation Points
You did it! Way to go. Now we need some guinea pig to go down-rep some of his earlier posts.
ufff cry for rep resulting in senseless spam
crying for rep should just be senseless, not spam
I just keep getting a message saying “You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to X again.” Maybe DAUK gotten to such a high rep level that it makes everyone elses non-existent.
I am getting ever closer to critical mass… maybe when it reaches a certain point it absorbs all rep close by.
16 pages is too much to look through every single post, besides I’m lazy so I will ask here
If somebody gives you negative rep it will still show in the dashboard won’t it?
[QUOTE=Nail;266150]lol, got downrated twice in 4 days by the same guy once for this
and once for this
must have really pissed some one off
Let the downrep hammer blow! I want to see the min level…
[QUOTE=Aristotle;336014]16 pages is too much to look through every single post, besides I’m lazy so I will ask here
If somebody gives you negative rep it will still show in the dashboard won’t it?[/QUOTE]
You tell me (never mind you’ll have twice the amount I removed in no time!)
ET is dead: http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=journal&mode=item&id=128969
I uninstalled ET yesterday,idk why,just came and doh,uninstalled game.Not interested anymore…
heh heh you guys are mean. i liked those pics i kinda got a brain F outta them you know.
and the song was good but i had to scroll down to much pr0n for my tastes
IMPOSSIBLE :eek: :eek: :eek:
Congratz anyway, your lifemission is complete (Start again ^^ )
Yeah it was, but at least we all know for sure now
Grats on maxing too btw. I’m just about to where I was before I asked.
Now that DAUK is at the top level, we need to see how long it takes him to get the lowest possible rep
And remember he has the meaniest downrep stick of hatred… he can kill one or two of us in the process!!!