Replay camera shows movement of invisible opponent

(VaderWRX) #1

During one of my matches I noticed that the camera showed the movement of my opponents invisible guy. It was really obvious where he was because there were no other soldiers around him (see attached pic). I gassed him and after that he was further marked by the loss of energy after each turn. I would suggest changing this glitch or everyone could just pay more attention to the replay and adjust accordingly.

(Sandman77) #2

Noticed as well !!!

(Hot-Wire) #3

Yeah defeats the purpose. If a character is invisible the replay should totally skip over that character, no showing of movement or delay inbetween to show the other player is moving the invisible character.

(ChaosPinhead) #4

There are several glitches with being invisible. DoT revealing your position, camera sometimes revealing your position and when first going invisible if you move immediately after, it shows which direction you “took off” in giving them a great idea which route your taking.

The best way at this point to not be given away is to cloak, then move a different character, then return and move the cloaked unit. That seems to at least keep the “ghosting” of your direction from happening

(Bwade) #5

I actuall like the fact you can see the poison on the enemy character

(Desparado) #6

[QUOTE=ChaosPinhead;421032]There are several glitches with being invisible. DoT revealing your position, camera sometimes revealing your position and when first going invisible if you move immediately after, it shows which direction you “took off” in giving them a great idea which route your taking.

The best way at this point to not be given away is to cloak, then move a different character, then return and move the cloaked unit. That seems to at least keep the “ghosting” of your direction from happening[/QUOTE]

Exactly, I have noticed all 3 in game.

Though, I can’t see it in the pic Vader, but I have experienced the glitches as well.