Remorse Topic

(Donnovan) #1

This is the Brink remorse topic:

“We, the ‘remorsers’, perceived our error in judging Brink game, a game of discipline and hope, with our incapacitated heart and brain. Atonished by the fear of uncompromised ones, we was not able to see the life coming from unfold creativity. We failed on a basic task of contemplation, and we know that.”

The remorsers.

(Donnovan) #2

The text is saying:

Game good is.
Game judgment good is not.
Failed we have.
Game failed not.

Huga Buga!

For sure, this is aplicable only if you is a ‘remorser’.

(.Chris.) #3

The profile picture just adds to the ‘Donnovan Experience’…

(zenstar) #4

This doesn’t seem like flame bait at all.

(DarkangelUK) #5

Any minute now the words ‘haters’ and ‘trolls’ will be thrown around like no ones business. Hard hats everyone!

(.Chris.) #6

Don’s mind has puzzled me for years now…

(tokamak) #7

It really is a trip down to the more obscure and exotic parts of the human psyche.

(RT1) #8

The haters and trolls know he’s right. :slight_smile:

(INF3RN0) #9

Even google translate came up blank.

(Donnovan) #10

Sorry, i will try to clarify things. Sadly i learned english on Net (the big computer network). “Ninjas taken my parents, need monay for english lessons”.

Unfold Creativity - SD
Discipline and hope - Rahdo
Incapacitated heart and brain - Gamers Gamers
Uncompromissed ones - Can be SD if compromisse is with “i am rich and have a chance to be happy” or “I will be rich so i will get a chance to be happy”". They are UNCOMPROMISSED, got it? or…
Uncompromissed ones - Cant blame world, we are part of it, have son, parents, friends, yes… but, yes… World.
Basic Task of contemplation - The wasted chance, for who? Ok… for the remorsers.
We failed, and we know that - Gamers

My edit was before next post. Cant edit after next post couse i am under ISO 9000 rules. Thanks.

If you hate world with all the power that surrounds you. Yes, you will feel better dying humiliated and struggleshed by it. They trow me a smile nowaday, i was expecting a stone…

I’m happy you guys now get it. Sorry for comeback needs.

(tokamak) #11

Ah it all makes sense now. Thanks for clearing that up.

(Donnovan) #12

Man! You is really a strange person! Saying complicated things! Can’t understanda!

(Runeforce) #13

Your style of writing reminds me of the Mordin Solus character from Mass Effect. :slight_smile: Yay