
(Joshua Morrison) #41

Ok I have a question is everyone against the active reload in any game? or just against it for Brink?

I’m against it in Brink, but I think that a more complex reloading system would be welcomed by the fps community and you guys seem to be proving me wrong fast. I don’t think it would work in every fps but it could be a neat innovation.

(light_sh4v0r) #42

There’s a whole number of people here who would like Brink to be a fast-paced shooter, and mechanics like those suggested here do not make the game as arcadey as they like. I personally don’t mind the game having some depth, but I fail to see the real addition a complex reload system brings.

(Nos) #43

Why would you want to make this less enjoyable?
Idk about you, but when i’m reloading, i dont think, “Oh my lord, this isn’t realistic, i’m throwing away bullets, but the bullets are still there! Golly!”

seriously dude. wtf.

(Purple Butterfly) #44

[QUOTE=Nos;233796]Why would you want to make this less enjoyable?
Idk about you, but when i’m reloading, i dont think, “Oh my lord, this isn’t realistic, i’m throwing away bullets, but the bullets are still there! Golly!”

seriously dude. wtf.[/QUOTE]

I agreed with you, I never think about that…Until I run out of ammo, Then I’m like aw crap! =]

(Nos) #45

haha. switch to pistol time then, yeah? (i usually don’t stay alive long enough to run out of ammo anyway)

(Joshua Morrison) #46

lmao :smiley:

(Nail) #47

everyone will upgrade to large capacity magazine in Brink, reloading is less of a concern then

(Exedore) #48

I have to admit that I don’t really play much L4D anymore, that assertion came up with the crew here who plays L4D2 at lunch every day. I’m not sure if they play a modded version.

Fail indeed!

(tokamak) #49


On a serious note tho, I don’t think that reloading is ever a thoughtless process. Since you can’t reload while running/climbing/firing a gun you still have to make a decision whether the bullets in your clip will be enough for now or not.

edit: I’m 100% sure someone will respond to this telling me there is a perk that lets you reload while running. Yeah, I’m aware of that. You don’t have to tell me :P[/QUOTE]

I haven’t considered that yet. Depending on how much the SMART system weighs in combat, reloading might not be such a trivial thing after all. Even if there’s an ability that negates it, I’m all for for that.

Hey, something clicked, what about making perfect reloads an ability (you still need to do the timing thing)? That way you don’t bother people who aren’t interested in it, PLUS you don’t give them the feeling that they’re missing out on something as you need to pay a slot for it.

[QUOTE=Nos;233796]Why would you want to make this less enjoyable?
Idk about you, but when i’m reloading, i dont think, “Oh my lord, this isn’t realistic, i’m throwing away bullets, but the bullets are still there! Golly!”

seriously dude. wtf.[/QUOTE]

It’s not about realism, it’s about making reloads more meaningful. What is and what isn’t enjoyable isn’t written in stone either, if hurdles are what you call enjoyable then you might as well give people unlimited ammo as running out of ammo isn’t enjoyable.

(INF3RN0) #50


It’s not about realism, it’s about making reloads more meaningful. What is and what isn’t enjoyable isn’t written in stone either, if hurdles are what you call enjoyable then you might as well give people unlimited ammo as running out of ammo isn’t enjoyable.[/QUOTE]

Overall though, most people don’t feel that it belongs in this type of game. As changing anything can add some sort of meaningful output, this particular one would slow down the fast paced shooter that we all love. I like it in AlienSwarm, but don’t find its worth in Brink. Something like that might be more appealing in a Brink Zombie mod lol (I know there will be one).

(tokamak) #51

Slowing down? Doesn’t a chance to speed up your reload make things more fast-paced?

(Nos) #52

I don’t think he’s talking about an active reload. i believe he’s talking about if your clip isn’t empty, and you reload, you lose all the bullets in the clip.

(BioSnark) #53

I like the reload system(s) in Alien Swarm and I like the shotgun reload system in Left 4 Dead 1, where reload takes longer if you completely empty your shotgun. Those games are about blocking endless waves of melee enemies with bullets so reloading is a large gameplay element already at the forefront of the player’s mind.

(tokamak) #54

That hardly slows down things either, if anything, battles will turn more tense.

(Nos) #55

Yeah, but you throw away bullets. i wouldn’t really want that in the game. And if you think about it, i don’t think you would either.

(tokamak) #56

I think I would, it would make command posts and tight team cohesion more important.

In Quake Wars I rarely ran out of bullets, the Field ops ability to deal out ammo had to be the most underused thing in the game. It would be a shame to see the same thing happen to the Soldier ability in Brink.

(light_sh4v0r) #57

Not really, especially after the medic nerf in ETQW you really needed a fieldops on indoor defense objectives (no supply crates) like area 22 last stage. That or /kill which I believe you will not consider a viable option.

(tokamak) #58

I think the general ammo nerf that patch really did the game well for that very reason.

(light_sh4v0r) #59

Me too, which is why i’m not too afraid the soldier ammo resupply will be useless.

(tokamak) #60

I think any feature that allows a player to take into account during combat in order to increase his potency is welcome. It’s important to understand that there’s a difference between the reload-loss and making ammo more scarce. Simply taking the estimated average (or the desirable amount, but that’s subjective) ammo loss caused by this mechanic and adding that amount to the player’s starting amount of ammo means that players won’t run out of ammo faster than without the mechanic.

However, it does mean that players who are careful with their ammo and utilise each clip in the most optimal way will have a lot more than the ones who reload every other second. The game doesn’t turn more hardcore or difficult, you can still fire the same amount and the average player won’t notice the difference between the two systems. The neurotic reloaders though, will be penalised, and the ‘economic’ shooters will be rewarded.

Why do I (we) want this? Because it rewards the players that have the clearest grasp on what the situation’s like and what the appropriate actions are. Together with the perfect reload these are both ways in which that skill can be demonstrated. The standard FPS’s have reload pushed to the background, and under both reload-loss and perfect-reload it can still stay there because all it does is giving the player another means to demonstrate prowess in.

I’m looking for things that increase the skill ceiling, games with high ceilings tend to be more satisfactory to play and have a better replay value as there will always be something that rewards it when you improve in it.