Releasing the source code of Brink?

(Maxztt) #1

So since Brink is slowly but surely dying and has been on this path for a relatively long time, did you, at Splash Damage, ever consider to release the source code of the client and the server under some free license?
(just as you did with Wolfenstein:ET or as id Software did and does with various versions of their id Tech engine)

If you did so, the community could port the server to GNU/Linux and afterwards port the client to GNU/Linux and MacOS.

It’d obviously require a custom server browser, since Steamworks couldn’t be used on GNU/Linux (at least at the current time), but even if it would not bring much more life back to Brink, then at least someone, somewhere, might learn something useful from your code.

Bethesda would obviously also have a word in this, but I think that you could somehow manage to release the source code of Brink.

Any word from the official site would be appreciated.

(badman) #2

Since Brink is owned by Bethesda (Splash Damage developed it for them), this would be up to them to decide and make happen.Try posting this suggestion over on their website or email them about it.

(Maxztt) #3

Thank you for the quick reply.

I guess I will contact Bethesda then.
Although Bethesda is a rather big company and also has no real record of releasing the source code to their products.
(with exception of id Tech 4, which id Software released after it got acquired by Bethesda/ZeniMax.)

(zenstar) #4

Brink was based on (a heavily modified) id Tech 4 engine (correct me if I’m wrong here) so if you can get your hands on that you’ve got a starting point. A very very early starting point.