
(toolboxSconce) #1

I honestly refuse get punish for leaving the game that start 4-5 in “competive” stopwatch match.

(neverplayseriou) #2

Then why do you bother playing competitive if you’re gonna leave…

You’re just ruining it for the players that are looking for a challenge.

(toolboxSconce) #3

I didnt press “accept” to 4v5. What is the point having 20% less players from the start to the end?

(blonk) #4

If you hang around for long enough it should give you a message indicating that there will be no penalties for leaving as the missing player won’t return. At least, that’s what used to happen, isn’t that still the case?

(toolboxSconce) #5

No, you have to be 3v5 to be able leave with no penalties :slight_smile:

(RedBeard) #6

ahahahahah Enjoy not playing!

(diamondPlant) #7

game is broken and dev doesn’t want repair it.

(RedBeard) #8
