We are an average team looking to find our way into the competitive scene and we are looking for members to join the farm. We use discord as a form of communication for when we either want to mess around or play serious competitive games. Will respond to replies. Join m00 today!
Recruiting for team m00! (English speaking international team)
Getting back into Dirtybomb recently. I mostly play Vass, Phantom, and Phoenix.
Started playing kinda recently(Level 7), but i’ve played comp games such as CS:GO.
I main support heros like Aura.
Started to play recently, enjoying it. just got level 7. looking to play ranked and a clan to join. o7
Main medic but can play any role. Ign for steam is renegadeops88. Have competitive experience in other games
i would like to be in the team , have been looking for a group to join, i am a team player can i join as well?.. my discord id: Sri1718#1794 and my steam id: Sri1718
T̷ ̷a̷ ̷d̷ ̷a̷ - Steam Name/Discord Name
Can play anything, usually a kill-merc but healing/ammo spec isn’t anything new. Ng if needed.
I am kind of new but pretty good i tend to use Ng or medic i am young but not a squeaker with a shit mic. I have great map knowledge for only 300 hours of gameplay and I hope I can hear back.
Yo, is love to join up if your still recruiting. I’m pretty good as a medic. Hit me up!
I’d be down, Level 14:
Sawbonez (SM72, can play CR73 if you want the Mechanic augment)
Fragger (M62)/Nader (SM41/CR81)
Third role can be what you need: Aura, Bushwhacker, Kira, Vassili
Steam link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/-Maple-/