Reconnecting to CMM matches is working as intended...

(Press E) #1

Why is it so awful?

Every now and then my wifi craps out for a second, and as usual DB boots me to the menu for it. Thankfully there’s a rejoin button, but it’s absolutely pointless. The moment you disconnect, some backfill player is already shoved into your spot before you even have time to load the error message. Even a 5 second delay before backfilling kicks in would be enough, but it still doesn’t happen.

When someone steals your spot in a match, DB doesn’t just return you to the main menu like you think it would. it CLOSES THE ENTIRE GAME. You have to type “disconnect” into the console just to get past the error message without shutting down the game.

Who on earth thought it was a good idea to give you a broken rejoin button, and then close the game when it inevitably fails. This has been bugging me for a long time, but I figured I’d finally get it off my chest, lol

(K1X455) #2

You really mustn’t use WiFi.

The turn around time for a lost connection in a match is so long, you’ll hardly recover.

Further, if you’re using boosters, you can say goodbye to playtime lost cause they haven’t been fixed since yonks.

(Press E) #3

@K1X455 said:
You really mustn’t use WiFi.

The turn around time for a lost connection in a match is so long, you’ll hardly recover.

Further, if you’re using boosters, you can say goodbye to playtime lost cause they haven’t been fixed since yonks.

I know wifi isn’t ideal, but it’s the best I have. To use ethernet on my current setup would take more effort than it would be worth just to avoid the occasional rare crash in this one game that I only play a few hours of each week now. And whether or not it’s ideal doesn’t matter. Giving another player your spot instantly and then closing your game isn’t how you should handle that situation when it does happen.
It would be like having the game constantly crash on any screen less than 1920 x 1080. Sure it’s less than ideal for DB to play on anything like that anyways, but that’s no excuse to cause them extra hassle.

And idk how long your game takes to load, but rejoining a match after you’ve disconnected is 30 seconds at most. And even if it was 5 minutes or whatever, I’m level 120. I don’t care about XP or even credits that much, I just like finishing the match I was in with the same people.

(K1X455) #4

30 seconds is fast… imagine if the entire game crashed. Even if you’re on SSD, it’ll probably take 45 seconds like I do.

But seriously, I spent $35 on a triple shielded Cat6E cable and I swear I never ever had packet loss due to RF interference cause I’m not the only one using the whole bandwidth.

Also, try disabling any IP protocol you’re not using when you’re playing and see if it helps.

(Mc1412013) #5

it had auto joined a match and it put me in the match while booting me main screen but still played the in match sounds untill i clicked search for match