@GatoCommodore said:
AJ is just parroting other people’s talking points now.
he was very ignorant and he didnt even took down the video even though he was proven wrong.
I don’t think he ever admitted to being wrong. He edited his description, saying:
You can now buy all a complete set of a Mercs Bronze Card Variations for $20, which will let you select the best gun and perk loadout. Does that walk the edge of pay to win? Up to you to decide.
basically using the “hey, I’m just the messenger” excuse.
He also said that _ its not TECHNICALLY Pay to Win_ but when you put “Angry Rant” in the title of a 43 minute video, people are gonna be turned away from the game just by the title, and definitely aren’t gonna stay to the end to hear him say it.
We all know that he didn’t really know what he was talking about, and basically called the game Freemium, even saying that you need RNG to get the kind of scopes that you want (what the fuck…?), but it definitely did not help the game. Even with Rags, Markiplier, TotalBiscuit, Muselk, and a bunch of other popular/semi-popular YouTubers showing the game in good light, a negative review will always shine brighter in the eyes of a consumer.
I don’t know why I got so lengthy with this, but considering how much I actually like AngryJoe, it pissed me off that he shit all over my favorite game of all time and then had too much fucking pride to admit he was wrong.
God, I wish that video never got made.