Re. The New Staff Member Icons

(Voxie) #1

It’s great to quickly be able to see which threads our beloved Splashies has posted in, but more functionality would be nice.

First of all, lower the alpha of the icon if you’ve read all the relevant posts in a thread (makes it much easier to see at a glance if there are new posts from staff members - just like a thread gets a paler font colour if there hasn’t been any activity since you last read it).

And secondly, make the icons hyperlinks taking you to a list of all posts by SD members in the thread.

Keep in mind that I’m not here to comment on the feasibility of these features, I’m just detailing what I’d like to see.

(badman) #2

Thanks - these are good suggestions. The main reason we decided against collating all of a thread’s developer posts on a single page is that they would take everything out of context and with that potentially cause more harm than good.

The alpha suggestion I really like - not sure how feasible that is to implement (as it’s separate from the software’s normal read marking), but we’ll certainly have a look.

(darthmob) #3

Is there a reason why they aren’t visible when you view threads with the ‘New Posts’ button? I always browse the forums that way. :slight_smile:

(tokamak) #4

[QUOTE=badman;219709]Thanks - these are good suggestions. The main reason we decided against collating all of a thread’s developer posts on a single page is that they would take everything out of context and with that potentially cause more harm than good.

It really works for the Blizzard forums though (who have recently really increased their interaction with their playerbase)