Re-Release as Arcade Title

(iezza) #1

Yes brink costs £5. Yes 800MSP is roughly that amount. but the simple branding of an arcade title makes it much more appealing. I say release it as an arcade title for either 800 or 1200 MSP. this would make it one of the most complete arcade titles yet.

what d’ya say?

(.Chris.) #2

(gold163) #3

There are restrictions on what Microsoft allows to be Arcade titles. These include such restrictions on achievements, game size, updates, etc. Simply put, if it wasn’t designed to be an Arcade title it will never be an Arcade title. Isn’t it already on Games on Demand? Putting it on XBLA achieves nothing.

(Humate) #4


(zenstar) #5

Why is his hand uncomfortably close to his crotch? =(

(DarkangelUK) #6

Because you always have to beat off while you’re beating off :smiley:

(sanDIOkan) #7

people dont like this game.
is it so hard to get?

they dont want it even if its free, they dont have fun playing it. and i hope and guess this is last sd title