Ranking System

(tokamak) #41

I think the names of the different bracket should mainly be intuitive rather than original or unique. That’s what Starcraft did right.

But yeah, what’s in a name? We haven’t even really figured out the best way to rank players.

(Glottis-3D) #42

[QUOTE=tokamak;518132]I think the names of the different bracket should mainly be intuitive rather than original or unique. That’s what Starcraft did right.

But yeah, what’s in a name? We haven’t even really figured out the best way to rank players.[/QUOTE]


ranks should be intuitive.

and in order to represent skill tiers (if rank is ELO-based, or ELO-alanog based)
there should be slassic 10-tier system

high+ (top tier)

(tokamak) #43

WoW arena uses raw ELO ratings. SC2 divided them in the gold/silver/bronze brackets but that was also part of a greater attempt at making the game more accessible. They even hide the win/loss ratios (meaningless anyway ofc) except for the Grandmasters.

I think Blizzard overshot in lowering the bar. The WoW arena ratings are very intuitive. Everybody could instantly tell how good or bad a specific team was as the rating itself was highly accurate.

WoW arenas used to be structured in teams but Blizzard let that part go and focussed back on individuals again. I think that’s a bit of a shame.

The ‘challenge’ system of the HotS unofficial ladder is also interesting but then again, I think it requires too much effort and involvement from the player.


(Glottis-3D) #44

what i do not like with ELO system (based on ql stats)
is that it has a ‘elo-points window’, in which you can gain/loose point (and out side that window you cannot). and this window seem to be working incorrect with higher elo rank.

example. if 1200 winns 1001 he gets 1 ELO point (asuming the window is 200 points), but next match he will be 1201 vs 1000, and if he wins - he gets +0 ELO. seems nice. and seems pretty representive of the skill. i do not know if 200 window is perfect for low tier teams/players. but it does seem to be in harmony with results.

but with elo players around 2500. a match with 2000 vs 2400 (window gets bigger? why?) higher elo winner still gets the points. and that leads to elo ratings grown with time, thought actual skill of players doesnt grow as much (it grows slowly)

imho, the higher player’s elo is - the harder points should be gained. and now it is quite the opposite.

whats with DB skill system?

(ToonBE) #45

I am very curious about this. I am hoping for some more info on this topic when the next update gets released.

(spookify) #46

Does Tempo have a ranking system?

Has anyone played it?

(ToonBE) #47

[QUOTE=spookify;520997]Does Tempo have a ranking system?

Has anyone played it?[/QUOTE]

Nope it is iOS only and I don’t use apple products :stuck_out_tongue: I checked it out on youtube though. It is not realy a shooter more of a game where timing is crucial. Hopefully it generates lots of revenue to put back into DB!

(Alchemy) #48

I like the way CSGO does their ranking. Aswell as what ever algorithm they use for their match making, it’s really good are creating even matches, Ive gotten so many 15-15 ties, they must be doing something right.

(SDStyLeZ) #49

I really dont care if there is a pure MMR or tiers/divisions,
but I would prefer a transparent and reasonable system.

After each match I want to know every detail why I gained / lost a specific amount of points.

An argument against this openess might be the change of playing style to get maximum points, but if the system is well designed it should reward the efford to win the game and efford to win the game is the best playing style IMHO :smiley:

(Glottis-3D) #50

each match is a step in a ladder.
up or down.

(Protekt1) #51

I prefer my tier suggestion in terms of ranking structure detailed here http://forums.warchest.com/showthread.php/42849-Ranking-ELO-tier-suggestion

The main difference is that there are separate ELO ratings between the tiers and moving between tiers isn’t as simple as gaining enough ELO, although that is a requirement. My suggestion also supports the idea of ranking seasons where at the transition to a new season your ELO is reset to 1500 but your tier remains the same.

As for names, I don’t think it should be silly like noob etc., but easily identified and relating to the game is best imo.

So for example:
amateur mercenary
novice mercenary
adept mercenary
expert mercenary
professional mercenary

(Njsfirth) #52

Bronze 1-5 -> Silver 1-5 -> Gold 1-5 -> Diamond 1-5

(tokamak) #53

HotS now has two ranked systems.

Hero League ( solo but includes games with friends/parties). Simple wins / losses ranking. The rankings is 1 to 50 with each rank being 2% of the player segment. Has draft mode. There’s also a small charge bar that tracks how far you’re removed from the next rank (the next 2%) which is… very addictive.

Team League. ELO based in fixed teams. Similar to the WoW arena. Also has draft mode.

What’s really important for both leagues is that you’re required to reach a certain level and a certain amount of characters before you get to join in any of this. A player needs about three weeks of semi-casual playing under one’s belt before you can even join the ranked mode.

This means that other players won’t be screwed over by complete beginners on their team. Having a considerable lower limit on the player skills really avoids incredible skewing and makes the ranked numbers much more meaningful. This really makes everything a whole let frustrating.

Both systems are also important for e-sports. The solo mode gives talented individuals a way to climb the ranks without getting help from outside. This allows them to prove their worth individually. It helps them meet new people in higher ranks. It means they can get scouted by big clans or even form one for themselves.

Eventually it’s the team leagues that really get meaningful. But you need the solo leagues as a talent pool to get fresh blood into the professional leagues.

(onYn) #54

After playing a lot of CS:GO lately, I have rethought my ideas about the ranking system. Basically I don´t want anyone to see exactly how far or close they are from moving to another division. I think it takes out some of the “stress”, that can lead to more toxic behaviour. The only exception for that would be the top 2 division, where you could see who is close to get promoted into the top division, and for the top division itself, see how people are ranked uo in the top division.

(tokamak) #55

The public standing of a player can be more simple/crude than his own private data.