Ranked level

(Major_Slapnuts) #1

How does the ranked level scoring work?

Like if you lose does you level always go down?
Is it better to be last on a winning team or first on a losing team?
Is it all about the win?
Does it matter who you play against?
If the game starts with only 4 players and I quit in the loading pre-time, do I lose rank?

(ThePigVomit) #2

It’s a relative algorithm.

Based off of strength of opponent, how well you did relative to the opponent, how well you did relative to your team.

I’ve had losses where I’ve lost less than 10% of my rank, and losses that i’ve lost >50%. Same with wins.

Basically, if you win against “superior” competition and place well on your team, your rank will go up faster.

If you leave during loading and incur a penalty, the match result will still hit you, essentially as you contribute zero to the team goal you will gain very little if they win, and lose quite a bit should (and very likely) they lose.


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