With how unstable ranked connections and DB connections are in general, it’s rather upsetting to have leavers in ranked. It’s even more upsetting when someone in your discord/ts/steam call etc Disconnects, and you know he’s coming back.
Thankfully, we have a pause match vote, which is exceptional to have! However, only having the minute or however long is minimum before allowing ONE PERSON to turn it off, is… ridiculous. Not the time frame, but ONE PERSON.
It takes ONE jerk, to ruin a match. (since there’s a cooldown on pause votes, the cooldown is understandable)
Probably one of the most fun matches I’ve had, we managed to get both containers blown up on a hard won attack. Now it was our turn to defend when suddenly our guy gets frozen at the 2 minute mark, for how close we were in skill (which seems off, but trust me we were somehow neck and neck most of the match) we were promptly steamrolled. Yes, we had a pause vote, and in fact, 4 of the enemy team said to wait since (see TAW) one of their own was on the enemy team, they wanted to give us a fighting chance. It probably helped that their own also let them know our friend was joining back (since he queued with us we were aware of his condition as well) their bottom player however did not agree, stated that he was absolutely happy to unpause the match for his victory, and proceeded to do so as well as plant both objectives. Hence to not lose more time in the match, the enemy team pushed forward. Our buddy didn’t make it back until probably 40 seconds left into both plants after we’d wrestled a defuse twice.
I can’t even make this up. However, this did push the question to me, why does it only require one person to undo the vote? Why can’t the system allow one person to START the vote to UNDO?
! Hopefully this post doesn’t come off as a rambling complaint, but this is extremely upsetting that one player ruined a match for many on both sides. Three of the enemies actually commented in public chat their apologies, and that they were wanting to wait, and at the end of the match one of them even commented, which dishonorable ****** unpaused? So… yeah. Felt like I should ask the question here.