random compiling Q


I noticed this compile didn’t mention a -meta or a -vis but did have a -light phase.
Is it possible to do a -light phase without the others?
Anyways, that’s somewhat wierd. I don’t need to know this for anything more just curious.

“bsp_q3map2/q3map2: (single test) -light -fast -super 2”

then there was this one

“bsp_q3map2/q3map2: (test) -meta -vis light -fast -super 2”

(-SSF-Sage) #2

You can do each 3 compiles separately, but if you do chances to the map file, you have to recompile bsp to get the chances (and vis too if you want vis) and then the light. Bsp ofc always first.

Ps. I’d suggest to use samples instead of super. It’s improved; better quality and faster (in late q3map2). Consider trying high samples values, like 4 or 8, even 16 or 32 for final compile. I’ve used 8 (no -filter) for compile and 32 for the skyshader.

(DerSaidin) #3

No, a light compile uses data in the .bsp file generated by the meta.

(-SSF-Sage) #4

Yes. But I meant, you can do first bsp, then have a pause and do the light later. That’s why there are those “single compile” options. Did I misunderstood the question?


heh, ya always use samples. That was just an example.

My friend did a compile and i think he had a -meta and a -light phase but left out -vis.

This was what I was thinking of.

(-SSF-Sage) #6


My friend did a compile and i think he had a -meta and a -light phase but left out -vis.

This was what I was thinking of.[/QUOTE]

Yeah no problem. Works but ofc will not obviously have vis block. Good for saving some compile time when doing test on light and stuff.

(DerSaidin) #7

My “No” wasn’t directed at you. You just posted between me reading and submitting the reply. :>

Yes, you can do them separately, but both the vis and light stages need a .bsp generated by the meta stage.
I don’t think it matters if you do vis before light or light before vis.

And yes, no vis can save compile time if your testing lights (and the other way if your testing vis).

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