RAD Soldiers Community Q&A #1

(badman) #1

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RAD Soldiers Community Q&A #1

Hello and welcome to the first RAD Soldiers Community Q&A, where we answer your burning questions about the game. Incidentally, if this is the first time you’re hearing of RAD Soldiers, we suggest checking out the announcement trailer immediately, which’ll give you a pretty good idea of what the game is all about.

For our first RAD Soldiers Community Q&A, we’ve got none other than WarChest’s Chief Creative Officer Richard Jolly on hand to answer your questions. Better yet, there’s a brand-new RAD Soldiers screenshot hidden further down this page (enjoy!).

Today’s questions cover the game’s art style, unlocks, combat classes, and the inner workings of the turn-based multiplayer mode, among other things. Without further ado, let’s dive right in:

(Ciakgb) #2

Those British guys?

(SockDog) #3

Nice to see SD (can we get a collective term for SD, Fireteam and Warchest?) back in the saddle of communicating with their customers.

Re: Unlocks

So the Squad points are the matchmaking mechanism of a sorts. That seems to make some sense. Would you be free to say spend all your points on a single character and face it off against say a team of 3 other characters that are weaker? Or would there simply be say 3v3 and a squad point limit to upgrade them all.

(badman) #4

Elaborating on the Squad Points a bit, you’ve got an SP limit for the match. How you use those points is up to you, though, so you could use more guys with weaker weapons or a really small number of dudes with more powerful guns, or some sort of mix between the two extremes. This sort of variety makes multiplayer matches pretty darn interesting and varied.

(SockDog) #5

That sounds like a great solution to keep the playerbase high while keeping games relatively fair. Guess the next obvious question is when is it out because I’d like to play it before you release the PC game. :slight_smile:

(badman) #6

Totally and utterly glossed over that one - open to suggestions. :smiley:

(Dormamu) #7

how about “SD FTW”? :smiley:

(SockDog) #8

SD!FTW sounds suitably memey and confusing to be adopted. Give that man a signed T-Shirt! :slight_smile:

(Nail) #9

as the conglomerate is actually Splash Damage, let’s just keep it as SD

(SockDog) #10

Well that’s really my question, what is the conglomerate called? For all intents, SD is still and only the developer but the forum URL says Warchest and branding of one sort or another is all over the place. I’m sure the vision is for FireTeam and WarChest to operate beyond the products that SD makes.

Pedantic perhaps but I ask because I’ve felt a little uneasy by saying SD when I mean something that WarChest or FireTeam is doing.

(badman) #11

It’s a family of companies and they exist side by side, rather than one company owning the others. This is because they each offer a different service that we want to make available to third parties without it having Conflict of Interest written all over it in big red Comic Sans.

(Dormamu) #12

How about “Swarf”? :smiley: