RAD: Classes and Categories - Distinctions

(Beebi_Gun) #1

See, I’ve been thinking (Yes, I think). This game has characters divided into a few ranks, right ??

Q: But sincerely, are these characters and their categories assigned correctly, and to such an extent, fairly ?
A: I don’t know, to be honest, but I highly doubt it. C’mon, look at this:

We have: [strike]Ninja[/strike] Sniper / Commando / Engineer / Medic < These are the 4 Classes


We have: Light / Medium / Heavy < Here are the 3 Categories

Their only distinctions are the tiles they can move and HP; oh and weaponry (in case of classes). Problem is: All Lights are the same - All Mediums are the same - All Heavies are the same.

I know what I’m about to suggest has been similarly mentioned before, believe me, I’ve stalked this forum deep enough, I just want to sort this out and create this chart. So, what’s best place to do other than here?

What I want to say is: why is a Light Commando exactly (minus weaponry) the same as a Light Sniper ? How about doing this way:


> Sniper: 200 HP - (e.g. Juanita)

> Medic: 225 HP - (e.g. Kate)

> Engineer: 250HP - (e.g. Megan)

> Commando: 275HP - (e.g. Dave)


> Sniper: 225 HP - (e.g. Pete)

> Medic: 250 HP - (e.g. Angie)

> Engineer: 275 HP - (e.g. Taschman)

> Commando: 300 HP - (e.g. Suds)


> Sniper: 250 HP - (e.g. Juan)

> Medic: 275 HP - (e.g. Gus)

> Engineer: 300 HP - (e.g. Carlito)

> Commando: 325 HP - (e.g. Ivan)


It makes sense IMO - Snipers: if they are going to continues to excel in both Range and DMG, at least make them Glass Cannon, which they should be. You are not supposed to leave your snipers in open fire/areas and/or unprotected, they’d be caught off-guard by close-ins.

Since Commandos are supposed to be in the frontline; they may as well need a reasonable amount of HP to do so right? So, even a Light one should hold the same HP as, say, a [Heavy] Medic - it is still a medic, [strike]and is fat[/strike].

~I have to admit I have not put into account everything, so putting this out here so also that maybe someone can come and point out what would be broken cough Dave+grenade+suicide cough, cough, but I don’t think this’d break it (more than how snipers are broken? Ahaha, don’t be ridiculous!).

Not all from the heavy Category should have 300 HP seeing you should take into account their Class OR in this case now: not everyone of X Category should have Y HP because of Z Class, get it ?
It delivers more diversity and may balance things out. The chart above is just a mere example, it’s not exactly fleshed out.

BTW, this is only speaking of HP; seeing how that could affect gameplay as much (cough Dave+HMG+275HP cough > it’d still suck though) - maybe it would also be the time to categorize the weapons and restrict them accordingly, or as has been suggested before, apply penalties: e.g. movement penalty to a Light equipping a Heavy.

Okay this is it for now; I guess I’ll be editing afterwards if I have missed anything or just feel like adding some more info into the chart (that’s not even a chart!). And sorry if this has been suggested exactly like this before and I’ve missed the topic… in that case anyway, so it has been risen atop again.

Peace :smiley:

(g00n) #2

It is something of a concern in balance of squad points where lights and heavies excel more than mediums. Speed and just full blunt attack and weight out ways the average med.
But what gets me is no matter how many commandoes there are, using medic, and snipers with special perks (healing/long range weap) will always triumph and using them together they perform dramatically. Somewhere in suggestions I brought up this which had commando/engineers the same, medic/sniper a little lower.

(Beebi_Gun) #3

Yes I saw that one. The penalty one was also one of yours, right ? It was more extended than what I made it seem, however. ^^’
The mediums are just~ very difficult to use; as they have nothing special to them. Something they excel on over the others.

That is a more delicate situation though. I was quite interested with the solutions some people brought together. Would like to see some of them in action even if just for the sake of testing it myself.

(Rhasan228) #4

Yeah , there should be some limitation on long ranged players .

(Beebi_Gun) #5

They do have a limitation. Short range. EDIT: I mean on short range, not that they have short range.

The actual problem is that even the sniper’s short range dmg is not that bad. But considering the amount of energy it drains, it would sure be a waste to do it. And with a reasonable amount of HP 250 HP [Medium] / 300 HP [Heavy] - it sure can feel not so rewarding when you get up close one and they still manage to escape and then play safe by keeping themselves out of range [harass-mode]. The other enemy toons will usually off your one that dared to venture too close to their territory after. Glass Cannon they should be.