r4mbo13 has a problem

(nukits) #1

My friend r4mbo13 cant log in anymore, and asked me to contact with the admins of this forum.

He accidently erased the SD cookie and the passwords stored by firefox doesnt let him log in, saying its wrong pw, he used that forgot password thingie 4 times in the last 2 days but he didnt get anything from Sd to his mail.

username: r4mbo13
mail: taivar.parts@mail.ee

Could some admin be so kind and contact him via his mail.

(nUllSkillZ) #2

Isn’t there a “password gorgetten” option?
Not sure.

(nukits) #3

He tried it many many times but it didn’t work .

(zenith-ply) #4

This may be late to bother mentioning, but that can happen if you also copy a password and accidentally save a space with it before pasting, lack of use of the right case letters, little dumb things like that. Maybe even try using an older password if there was one and you have it. No 505 safe mode errors or banned messages either? Being in the same ip block of a different bannned user can cause temporary trouble…that kind of thing, but that seems unlikely with a simple password rejection.

(Nail) #5

just make a new account

(badman) #6

I’ve had the software email him a new temp. password. Can you let him know to check his spam folder as well - those automated email often end up there. If he still doesn’t get it, please have him email me using the address he used to sign up here.


(ram6o13) #7

Ok made new acc like nail suggested yesterday, somehow i cant see ur mail anywhere, and that taivar.parts@mail.ee must be the one i was using with r4mbo13 acc, coz i only have to mails and when i registred the new one it told that taivar.parts@mail.ee was alrdy in use

the mystery is i dont see any mail from SD at all i took a pic of it few minutes ago…

maybe u email the new pw to my msn, which is estpla69@hotmail.com, it would be very nice to get my acc back…

(badman) #8

I’ve sent you a private message…

(rambo13) #9

everything is back to normal… ty