QW Screenshots

(Ashog) #561

reel stroyent man? (me looks at timestart)

(jopjop) #562

Nice :smiley: I’d like to have stroyents as shoes too!

(BabyBooM) #563

Omg, now that stroyent is usable as a hat too I guess they will add it in TF2 :confused:

(Gvardman) #564

for lolz

(Donnovan) #565

This was indeed lol! LOLS!

(Crytiqal) #566

Haha DOZA2008 still around? :smiley: He was so awesome asking scrims

(jopjop) #567

ofc he is around at least his key is… he is playing in 40% with name Disney iirc :slight_smile:

(Gvardman) #568

Yep, DOZA = Disney

(Crytiqal) #569

Why does everyone have different keys etc? xD

(Rex) #570

This thread should be a sticky one.

(Donnovan) #571

Brink mod to ETQW!

Roundy as a butta!

(BackSnip3) #572

Hehe, allied players circus!

(Donnovan) #573

Hide room on Valley.

(Donnovan) #574

Secret room in Sewer.

On the table the ETQW Auth server.

(Donnovan) #575

Borelos Tube.

(taw_m0nsta) #576

Wow Donnovan, is this what I think it is for?

(Gradis) #577

oooh shiny looking stuff!

(Donnovan) #578

This is, yeah, for our map. I just forget to push handbrake, sorry! Is that what you was thinnking? :smiley:

I will send you those bits on T006 so we can discuss! :slight_smile:

(taw_m0nsta) #579

Looks stunning men, might misses some tiny lights on the floor/walls (like the stairs on GDF spawn first objective in Glory of The Weak). We have our servers back, so as soon we have a map that you can win or loose we can do a test drive with real players on it :slight_smile:

(light_sh4v0r) #580

Looks cool Don!