QW Screenshots

(Humate) #361

lol at that pic… awesome

(Susefreak) #362

(Susefreak) #363

Let’s see if you can spot this one:

(Susefreak) #364

(Ashog) #365

some shots reminded me Stalker game anomalies :slight_smile:

p.s. i wonder who was that soldier in the brane room on canal?

(Susefreak) #366

That was Outlavv


(AnthonyDa) #367

Looks like screenshots taken from the beta, nothing special to see inside those…

(Ashog) #368

wtf!? who are you!

(Dthy) #369

they’re reposts aren’t they? :slight_smile:

(Ashog) #370

yeah, getting old and forgetful, so here are other onez!

(Apples) #371

Does the ICE pub server keep demo?

Didnt recorded yesterday when I collided TS on his icarus with ma husky, was epic.

(Ashog) #372

probably not. join chan nao to find out from first hands.

(timestart) #373

[QUOTE=Apples;263694]Does the ICE pub server keep demo?

Didnt recorded yesterday when I collided TS on his icarus with ma husky, was epic.[/QUOTE]

Don’t know if server does, but I do:

(r3fleX) #374

Well, was routing through some old ETQW folders and came across some cheaky SS’s so thought i would compile them together :smiley:

Ever wondered how players get that insta skill boost?

  1. Find the most suspicious dodgy pro player
  2. Suck up to their clan for 6 months.
  3. Slowly get info on their config tweakz.
  4. Apply the config tweakz.
  5. Insta Unhit/skillboost
  6. Leak information to random people and make it sound realllllly suspicious (I love the “pssst” :D)

(Kl3ppy) #375

nice one :smiley:

(Pliscin-7) #376

hey you noob samurai you just faked my name and wonna give me a bad reputation!! i never used such up****ed color everybody know that!!

go and through more supply crates in base with fzl and xer

(r3fleX) #377

I don’t seem to have mentioned anyone’s name, you just seem to automatically relate yourself to my post, are you trying to say something? :confused:

Also i don’t think you know how bad my paint/photoshop skills are because if i was trying to fake someone’s name it would be VERY obvious.

And could you do me a favor while i am throwing those supply crates, can you please learn how to spell and correct your grammar please.

(Pliscin-7) #378

see how funny you are only because i live in a other country and dont speak english very well you need to complain about my gramma …

you are a little 16 year old kid just ****ing around you faked my name call yourself liscin-7 or somthing and take on clantag before. i dont like you you dont like me who cares just stfu and stop posting **** in forum.

(r3fleX) #379

The grammar was just a minor point to add some humor to the topic, you shouldn’t take it personally, i mean i applaud your English skills as it is not your native language.

Also the “you are a little 16 year old kid” doesn’t work as you are meant to say a younger age like 12 or 13 + the fact that i am actually 17 & 6ft 1 (which isn’t really classed as little imo).

Oh and your cover story isn’t really very convincing, would you like me to post the full screen shot of that conversation which includes my name “r3fleX.” in the console, i just edited it to remove the public kills/punkbuster messages inbetween…

WAIT WHAT?! you don’t like me? :frowning:

(Rex) #380

An unknown bob calls other players noob? You already gave yourself a bad reputation now.

How ridiculous can some pub players be? :rolleyes: