best quote of the week
“Neil Alphonso wrote on 2011-05-23 @ 12:17 via Twitter (source):
Mark This Forum Read”
best quote of the week
“Neil Alphonso wrote on 2011-05-23 @ 12:17 via Twitter (source):
Mark This Forum Read”
I think I gave up on reading the General Discussion forum backlog this past weekend. I’ve still got like 70 pages to go through. I don’t think anything important was posted the week/ten days after launch anyway…
not exactly the right attitude for a moderator of said forum, I told you it was a lot of work and time
Which is why there are multiple moderators :).
Not everyone has time to read all of the threads, hence the need for more than one person to moderate the forums.
I’m all too aware… Fortunately I can come to this Off-Topic forum to relax.
Seriously though, there were 71 pages in the combined Brink forums ten days before launch. Now there are 145 or so, and all of the clan threads etc. have been moved to a separate forum… Has anyone not employed by Splash Damage honestly read every thread posted in that forum since the beginning of May?
Yes, but that is because I really have too much time on my hands, what I’m preparing a phd? Nooooooooo
You read every post on every thread, or just skipped to the most recent responses? I was able to read pretty much every post in the forum up until May.