Quick tips on how to play Aura (Medic)

(intenseRuby) #1

The game may be temporarily down for updates, but these quick tips may benefit players looking to play as Aura during the next beta phase.

A quick rundown of Aura: IMO she’s the medic-iest medic in game. She’s squishy, fast, and has the most versatile and powerful healing ability of all medics. Her default shotgun and speed can earn players some easy close range kills, however it, along with her default pistol, are quite useless in mid-long range duels. Mobility and aim can be saved for another guide. The main problem I found with Aura players in the recent closed beta phase is that they didn’t know how to take advantage of her abilities as a medic. Here’s a quick rundown of do’s and dont’s:

DO: Use the healing station retrieval to your advantage. When you plop down a healing station, there is a lengthy cooldown before you can create a new one (I think it was 20-30 seconds. Wish there was a database for this sort of thing). You can, however, cut over 90% the cooldown (to ~3 seconds) if you pick up a healing station you’ve already placed.

DO: Constantly reposition your healing station at safe locations near the front lines. If your squad is attacking, a healing station is useless back at your spawn. Similarly, if you’re defending, a healing station wont do your team favors if it’s somewhere your team can’t quickly access it. It’s your job as Aura to assess what location to place a healing station to be accessible to the largest number of players possible on your team.

DON’T: Try to be the topfragger on your team. “Aggressive Aura” is not a legitimate playstyle. You may be able to fend off one to two people trying to rush you down by camping your own healing station, but you shouldn’t be pushing way out for kills. This applies ESPECIALLY if you’re the team’s only medic. Your main duty is to stay alive and support the players who are more suited to get kills. When you die, your team mates are stuck waiting out the entirety of the respawn timer, during which the opposing team will surely take the opportunity to take more advanced positions and push your team further back into spawn, which is how games are lost.

DO: Pay attention for downed player and wounded player markers. The number of times I’ve seen an Aura obliviously run past a downed player is ridiculous. DB is a war of attrition and the more people you’re able to keep fighting, the higher the odds that you’ll be able to force the enemy team back. Similarly, a cross appears over players who are wounded. If possible, drop a healing station right by them, and pick it up immediately afterwards.

DON’T: Run out into the middle of a warzone to revive someone. The person you revive wont survive for more than 3 seconds, and chances are you’ll die with him.

I may edit this post with more tips later, but the TL;DR of this entire thread is “don’t be a hero, be a medic”.

(Szakalot) #2

totally disagree actually, at th emoment Aura is your rambo medic of choice; have fun long jumping around and taking everyone out : )

(intenseRuby) #3

Only against against very bad players. Yes, Aura can win fights in the right situations, but against people who can actually aim (very few in the last phase), you’ll only get 1 or 2 frags if you’re lucky. All things considered, you’re much more beneficial to the team alive, being able to revive and move your healing beacon around.

(bubblesKeyboard) #4

Actually I kind of agree wih Szakalot in the sense that she’s very aggressive. The healing station can be used aggressively due to its super-fast infinite healing capabilities and the mobility of it. Simply run into the enemy spawn, plop one or two down, and proceed to roflstomp for 10 mins. Unless the team is better than average and smart, usually what happens is that they will shoot at you and you will regen faster than their dps, and you will shoot them until they die or you run out of ammo. I just played a match where 2 Auras placed 2 healing stations around the rock next to the EMP delivery station and 1 next to the double decker truck in our spawn (they were attacking), and then there was this one Proxy merc running around with the speed of like smacking people in the face with her cricket bat and running from healing station to healing station and never dying

(Rimmorn) #5

Thats the moment when you take/ask someone to take skyhammer and clear it with airstrike.

(NuclearSharkhead) #6

The best moment is when the enemy team ignores your healing station and shoots at your teammates standing on it. Then they wonder why your team is so tanky! Health regen OP hahaha : )

(Viquel) #7

This is no longer true :smile:
The OP’s post seems fine though