Questions from PlanetDoom

(Iced_Eagle) #1

Okay there are a bunch of questions on the PlanetDoom Level Editing Forums but I’ll post what I think are the biggest ones here.

  1. Where are the railings?
  2. How do you get fluids to work?
  3. Where is the actual ladder texture/model? (You place the ladder texture on a brush and it has the properties of a ladder, lets you go up/down but it is invisible :bash: )
  4. How do you create a lift?
  5. How do you make items respawn?

I don’t have my editor handy so I couldn’t check any of these out :moo:

Big thanks to all who answer!!! :smiley:

(Zombie13) #2

1): railings are in mapobjects/hangar, the origin of the models is offset quite a bit so you might have to load them to see them rather then view them normaly in the browser.

havent really checked the rest yet.


(subverse) #3

The railings in mapobjects/hanger are only the broken/mangled ones.

I believe the vast majority of railings were made with patches… patch tutorial: