So I was in a game today and one of my mines exploded without anyone walking over it… (and not an invisible unit either) so I was wondering how this was possible?
Question about mines
Mines are suspect to AoE damage, and that’s literally the only thing I can think of besides “the mine exploded because it felt like it” and “someone threw a detecto-sweep trigger on top of your mine, which triggered it and blew it up”. Both of these are pretty unlikely, since I’m pretty sure the Detecto-sweep does not work that way.
I actually re-watched the replay again. So basically it took a lot of aoe damage (the captain’s ligntning strike) and probably more then it’s “health”. But I’ve also never seen a mine blow up because it got destroyed. So that’s where I’m confused a bit. Another thing that I’m thinking is my opponent threw a gas bomb and (i don’t remember where it landed) but if it did land on the mine, would this have set it off? It was either on the mine or right beside it for sure.
Hey Armedmanus
I’m also not 100% sure
but was that at the END of the game? probably not… this is just something I’ve seen twice already - not exploded c4 and mines explode at the end of the game - I’m not sure wether this was intended or not - but it was actually quite nice to see WHERE exactly the enemy has plantet them
another thing could be - a invisivle enemy that walked over it and took it with him
the last thing I expect is a package mistake - that 2 different game data were sent at the same time and got mixed - I am not sure how the game data is send but it might be the reason
OR that something occured the game is not capapable of handling at that time ( a simple bug) like what you said - what to do if a gas grenade is thrown exactly AT the mine …
maybe you can make pictures to clear out? if not right now - for the future
hope it helped some
with friendly regards
[QUOTE=tinker;425714]Hey Armedmanus
I’m also not 100% sure
but was that at the END of the game? probably not… this is just something I’ve seen twice already - not exploded c4 and mines explode at the end of the game - I’m not sure wether this was intended or not - but it was actually quite nice to see WHERE exactly the enemy has plantet them
another thing could be - a invisivle enemy that walked over it and took it with him
the last thing I expect is a package mistake - that 2 different game data were sent at the same time and got mixed - I am not sure how the game data is send but it might be the reason
OR that something occured the game is not capapable of handling at that time ( a simple bug) like what you said - what to do if a gas grenade is thrown exactly AT the mine …
maybe you can make pictures to clear out? if not right now - for the future
hope it helped some
with friendly regards
Hey Tinker,
ok so it wasn’t at the end of the game. It also wasn’t an invisible enemy. My opponent only had madam and she was on the other side of the map.
I’m thinking more and more that it was the grenade that set it off…
I did take screen shots, I’ll attach them all in sequence.
It was so frustrating cause I lost my megan because of that and probably could have won the match! haha…
Between the laserblast and the toxbomb I would say it was clearly destroyed, but I could have sworn that mines just kinda quietly faded away when they were destroyed via damage, instead of exploding.
And now that I think about it some more, I’m pretty sure the toxbomb doesn’t actually damage structures and deployables, so this is doubly weird. Maybe we can get a dev to weigh in.
At first my hypothesis is that the invisible madam may have walked over mines. But after testing it out with two devices i came up with several findings:
- Mines WILL attach itself to invisible units and detonate.
- Mines WILL attach itself to UAV and detonate.
- If place a deployable cover right on mine square, the mine WILL detonate.
- Toxic grenade will NOT hurt mines.
- Orbital strike WILL hurt mines.
- Mines attach itself to last unit walking over it.
Thus, i have no idea how the mine exploded as even if it is destroyed (100hp) it shouldn’t explode. My best guess is that a tiny glitch happened when the invisible Madam stopped on that mine and it detonated on her. As i see she got hurt 72dmg due to that too.
[QUOTE=Coup_de_grace;425885]At first my hypothesis is that the invisible madam may have walked over mines. But after testing it out with two devices i came up with several findings:
- Mines will NOT attach itself to invisible units and detonate.
- Mines WILL attach itself to UAV and detonate.
- If place a deployable cover right on mine square, the mine WILL detonate.
- Toxic grenade will NOT hurt mines.
- Orbital strike WILL hurt mines.
Thus, i have no idea how the mine exploded as even if it is destroyed (100hp) it shouldn’t explode. My best guess is that a tiny glitch happened when the invisible Madam stopped on that mine and it detonated on her. As i see she got hurt 72dmg due to that too.[/QUOTE]
But it can’t be madam because she was on the other side of the map and she shot me a few times. So there is no way she could have walked that far and still shot at me. Usually if an invisible unit walked over a mine, the mine follows the unit and blows up where the unit is.
I made a mistake that ive corrected, mines WILL attach on invisible units. I thought it will not since i also used UAV to walk over the mine and it detonated over UAV. As far as your issue goes i have no idea, but i do hope these little details abt mines info will help you…
Ok, so here’s another thought… what if my opponent threw a crate beacon on that tile. would the mine explode from that?
I didn’t see a crate fall or explode. Just the mine explode by itself. But maybe that’s what happens when the captain throws a beacon on a mine.
I threw a deteco sweep on my oppenents mine and the mine blew up so im guessing the crate would do the same
I see that their is a UAV really close to the mine, did by any chance was the UAV deploited next to your megan and selfdestructed? Beacuse if that’s the case, the mine could have been trigered by the droid and then followed to where the droid was destroyed and exploted there, that’s just a theory though, I have never seen it or tested it.