Quake Wars Trailer Compilation

(Joe999) #21

well, what could he miss if there’s no new footage? and that song is foogging awesome :stuck_out_tongue:

(Lanz) #22

The song might be fogging awsome, but is just so out of place. If I made a trailer like this and made a satirical song about Sweden where they said Sweden fuck yeah! Would you think that would suit the trailer? Probably not.

(Joe999) #23

why not, if it gives you fun? try it & show it. whether people like it or not depends on the whole new expirence you get from the new cut, it doesn’t depend on the song alone. and i don’t think the song is out of place. if you think you have to identify yourself as an american when you see a vid that’s made out of the fun of making it, then that’s your problem. or is there another reason why you think that the song is out of place? btw: did you think that in that ET christmas vid the axis and allies are all swedish or whatever country that song was made in?

it’s all about how you compile the things together. for example: after i’ve seen that vid in the following link i went out and bought god of war for ps2:

mr crowley doesn’t belong to the game, nor do the lyrics fit, but the video is awesome and gave me the final touch for me decision whether to buy the game or not :slight_smile:

(fraSer) #24

Sorry Joe, but i thought the same,
Nice editing of the clips, shame about the choice of song.

(Bravo) #25

Now there’s a first! :eek3:

(Salteh) #26


(Joe999) #27

tastes are different and everyone can share their opinion of course, but unless someone wants to talk about taste you can lock the topic imo, the vid is gone anyway :wink: