I know, I was absent for years, but anyway I’m back to the mapping community (JKII/JKA)
I plan to create updated version of my Q3map2GUI.
Supported games in this version are:
- Quake III Arena
- Startrek Elite Force
- Return to Castle Wolfenstein
- Wolfenstein-Enemy Territory
- Soldiers of Fortune2
- Jedi Knight2
- Jedi Knight Jedi Academy
Known bugs so far in the last version 1.1 build 1029 :
- lowmem (should be “lomem”) spelling bug, makes the switch not working
- error and warnings counters do not restet with new compile prozess
- “map leaked” is not recorded as error
If you know any other bugs or have feature requests, please post them here or send it to my email : dartharth{AT}gmx.net.