Public Beta before the end of the year?

(kamikazee) #21

What’s that for? Re-calibrating your doomsday device?

Of course, valid reasons could include “how far are you situated from London?”.

(Joe999) #22

an extended edition of the delay vid. i mean, you saw the beam shooting down from the orbit. i think using google earth’s zoom function and flying down with the beam would look better :smiley:

(Angel1) #23

Violator Airstrike anyone :slight_smile:

(Salteh) #24

(1) Follow the people wearing SD shirts
(2) Once you see this sign, you have found the office!


(Loffy) #25

Doom:like feeling in that shot.

(Isabel Lucas) #26

i suddenly feel the urge of faking a crowd into that pic, a crowd with “give us a quake wars demo” signs n such

Go down the dole office with some loose change, rent a mob then re-take the photo.

The when they all panick and throw copies of ETQW out of the windows, post me one!


(McNeil_UK) #27

I second that idea :stuck_out_tongue:

Getting back to the topic what do you guys think? Beta before 2007?

(Joe999) #28

nope. beta in january, release in march. although i would welcome to play the beta during the christmas holidays :slight_smile:

(ayatollah) #29

Xmas morning is the release date for the beta.


(Shanks) #30

I bet a litre of Joe’s sweat that we’ll be playing this before we play duke and that’s good enough for me :slight_smile:

(Senethro) #31

No joke, isn’t Duke scheduled for Christmas?

(nUllSkillZ) #32

Which year?

(Joe999) #33

seriously, is anyone interested in duke? everyone was excited about doom 3, but thinking back the game was just a graphics demo. no innovative gameplay at all, in fact it became boring very fast. same for quake 4. what do you expect from duke?

(Black_Forky) #34

Steaming vapor?

(kamikazee) #35

Oneliners. Seriously.

(Angel1) #36

I couldnt care about Duke to be perfectly honest i think its time has been and gone im also got the feeling that once its released (when ever) most people will be dissapointed.

Games i am really looking forward to are ET:QW, Armed Assault, Bioshock, World in conflict and one that looming fast Company of Heroes hmmm dont think i will see the sun in 2007

(SniperSteve) #37

we saw the sun in 2006?


I liked the first 10 maps in Doom3 Singple player. The rest 200 maps or so I skipped and went Zzzzzz.

I kinda like Quake4 single player also. Playing on easy is nice, since you will get more game in less time. I dont wanna die, I want the story! :slight_smile:

Both Doom 3 MP and Quake 4 Multiplayer were just placeholders. ETQW is the real multiplayer game :slight_smile:

(GlobalWar) #39

Wasn’t Doom 3 just created because John Carmack liked to see how the Doom story would look with the awesome graphics which are available on the current hardware?
I’ve read that somewhere…

About Q4 MP, it’s just Q3 with an improved engine (thats what the community wanted and they got it)

(Joe999) #40

maybe, but what community? i don’t see anyone play quake 4.

see, that happens when you don’t provide public betas & demos. you might be able to take advantage from the hype for the first time, but when the game doesn’t meet the expectations, people will certainly be careful next time they put money into something.