Hey everyone. I know I’m way late to the party, but trying to finish up this game. It freezes whenever a cutscene needs to play during a match, or trying to exit a match with the start menu.
There’s an error that keeps popping up too that roughly translates to the media becoming unmounted, which it is not. When the error pops, the game continues on in the background like everything is fine, whether it was frozen prior to the error popping or not.
That’s how I got most of the audio logs I still need. I played Refuel with no bots over and over as fast as I could, and it would mostly freeze at the end, then the error would pop and let the game get to the final score screen and allow me to have the xp/logs. Trouble now is I need specific logs that I just can’t get with the freezing issue.
System is fine, plays everything between disc and digital I throw at it. Disc is clean and scratch free.
How do I get around this constant freezing? Do you think it’s something else installed on my system? I mean I have a 500GB system and half the space free. Ordered another copy of the game in hopes that way fix the issue.
Anyway, any suggestions?