Proxy literally existing

(Ptiloui) #21

@ImagineMyShock Try to do the same, really. Of course you’ll destroy everybody if you’re playing in pub games, even though it’s not THAT easy (at least for me) : you have to run towards the enemy, throw your mines (at the right place, otherwise you won’t kill anyone), switch to weapon and shoot the mine (assuming you won’t miss), while the enemy have all the time needed to kill you. But against better players, it will be another story. You’ll have to do ninja attack through corners otherwise you’ll be killed before being able to shoot your mine.

Talking about Fletcher, despite the bio saying stickies are used to set elaborate traps, you’ll never see good players used them as traps and for a good reason : the max damage can only be dealt if the bomb is stuck on the player. If you stick it on an Aura or Proxy, you’ll instakill them (note sure if Phoenix can still be instakilled too).

(Eox) #22

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