Progamer Rad Soldiers First Tournament Information

(Sandman77) #1

Hi all,

I`ve had this idea for a new Tournament in my head for awhile and I wanted to see if there are enough intrested players out there who want to participate…


20 Point Game, preset Map(s), Winners move on to next round (1 Game per round), no cheats, multiple usage of toons not allowed. The Winner gets Cash!

To enter: 5 Dollar by Paypal, (20 Players needed before we start = 100 US Dollars)

First Prize: 60 US Dollars
Second Prize: 20 US Dollars
Third Prize: 10 US Dollars
(10 US Left for Adminstration)

If there are enough players and intrest we could get this going. I would then setup a little site etc. I sugest Paypal as it is quick and secure for all users with money back guarantee etc. Im not looking to make a quick 10 US Dollars here but considering the time I need to invest to make sure all run smooth it is fair.

What I need from you now is a yes/no I wanna be in it. When 19 more sign up I can set up the rest and then only are money transferred to Paypal not sooner. I think with a Prize such as 60 US Dollars involved we will have mature pro players who want quick and fun games. :slight_smile:

(iamloneliness) #2

Whoww! I think you’ll get 20 players so fast if we have a sponser :slight_smile: because no one want to spend 5$ if they think they can’t win for sure.
Maybe dev can sponser us lol in a little prize. We know the game is free2play (IAP for who love to pay) but maybe they can spend a little for start something big :smiley:

(Sandman77) #3

5$ Aint much und we sponsor ourselves!!! :slight_smile:

(Sandman77) #4

bump bump bump