problems creating aas I hope this make any sense ?

(joesummit) #1

created my .aas files (b0,b1) alright but bots not doing any thing, used a batch file to compile files,

C:\comp\bspc.exe -threads 1 -ext _b0 -cfg C:\comp\aascfg_lg.c -bsp2aas C:\comp uterm.bsp copy bspc.log temp_b0.log -forcesidesvisible

C:\comp\bspc.exe -threads 1 -ext _b1 -cfg C:\comp\aascfg_sm.c -bsp2aas C:\comp uterm.bsp copy bspc.log temp_b1.log -forcesidesvisible

may mapname.bsp was placed in comp folder. It did compile ok but format is funky, comes out tuterm with no extenstion (_b0aas file is file type in properties) the picture is a(big A) I need to change to ? , shouldnt it also create a ai file. I made a script file but the bot setection didnt do any thing player ok got weapon, music I’m running on rad 1.4 game works great. thanks :banana:

(zenith-ply) #2

Front-end program q3map2toolz:

Setup guide:

.aas file creation:

use -normal switch for the bspc phase.

This should solve any troubles with the .aas file creation unless you’re reverting to the batch method for some other reason.