problem with custom shader

(noisyb) #1

i want a shader that does just make a red surface

map $whiteimage
rgbGen const ( 1.0 0.0 0.0 )
blendFunc add
map $lightmap
rgbGen identity
blendFunc filter

…but why is it transparent?

Can anyone help? or point me to a place where someone can help? I have
had a look at the Q3A shader manual… but this is the best I can come up
with after having read it…

(pazur) #2

Blendfunc really “blends” as the name says.

I would take out the “blendFunc add” to make the shader solid.

(noisyb) #3

well… it HAS to blend something… the framebuffer is transparent…

  1. i take a white texture add the color to it…

  2. i put that on the framebuffer… but the transparency is still there… i want to know how i can make the transparency in the framebuffer f*** off…

using no blend function results in solid white “textures”…

(obsidian) #4

Just trust us and take out the blendFunc add in the first stage.

The framebuffer will render the whiteImage, colour it red, then blend the lightmap on top.

(obsidian) #5

Actually, in hindsight, why don’t you just make things super easy and just get rid of the first stage? It’s not doing anything in the first place.

	qer_editorImage textures/test/red.tga
		map $lightmap
		rgbGen const ( 1 0 0 )

(feimotion339) #6

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