Private Matches?

(CtrlAltFrank) #1


I’m running an event for the gaming community that I help manage, and we’re hoping to have Dirty Bomb as one of those events.

My issue is, when I brought up Dirty Bomb as a game that we could use for the event, I thought that there was Private Matchmaking, or at the very least, a server that we could rent out for the day; however I’m unable to find any information on either of those.

Is Private Match Making allowed, if so, how does it work? If Private Matchmaking isn’t a thing, is it possible for us to rent out a server for the day?

Thank you for your time,

(nokiII) #2

PM @stayfreshshoe and hope.

(Nail) #3

talk to the lads at DBNation

(Mc1412013) #4

Wasnt there private matchmaking at one point??

([ *O.C.B.* ] Wildcard) #5

@Mc1412013 said:
Wasnt there private matchmaking at one point??

Yes it got removed in favor of being replaced with a different system. I don’t know what it was because I can’t honestly recall, but I’m pretty sure the replacement is something still in the works at the moment.

(Bestfinlandball) #6

@-OCB-Wildcard I’m pretty sure it was removed because it wasn’t used enough to warrant its existence. I don’t think it was replaced by anything.