Premium Cases

(TR_Kama) #1

in the store you can purchase 5 premium or 10 premium cases for cash

is there a reason why we cant use in-game credits to buy these aswell?

(TheManBehindTheMask) #2

@TR_Kama said:
in the store you can purchase 5 premium or 10 premium cases for cash

is there a reason why we cant use in-game credits to buy these aswell?

Because thats how devs make money.

(ghostdog021) #3

Thats why its dirty.

(Chris Mullins) #4

Devs gotta eat :frowning:

(TR_Kama) #5

@stayfreshshoe said:
Devs gotta eat :frowning:

i’ll send you a pack of cookies xD

(K1X455) #6

@stayfreshshoe said:
Devs gotta eat :frowning:

Any news on a Zipped Hoodie?

(TheStrangerous) #7

@stayfreshshoe said:
Devs gotta eat :frowning:

Have a juicy whale steak!

(Teflon Love) #8

@ghostdog021 said:
Thats why its dirty.

Fear the power of the backtick!