It’s hard to say in CMM if some is “completely new” because it doesn’t show you level on the scoreboard. And while level doesn’t necessarily indicate skill, it does show that you’ve been playing the game for a significant amount of time and likely know the ins and out of every map and merc like the back of your hand.
As for my the fragger shredding everyone, that is one of the points I’m trying to get at / make. He had nearly twice as many kills and twice the score of that the lead on the enemy team… I understand supports, especially aura, get really high scores, but the fact that we had him completely decimating their team, and half our team outscored their highest…is pretty bad.
Whether it’s lack of skill or understanding the mercs, maps, and gameplay mechanics, this is an example of an undesirable match for the losers. Honestly it should be for both sides. Arguably they aren’t in the same skill bracket as our team was. The CMM should take this into account and match them with other players on the same level. Essentially, CMM should have a skill rating system of some kind. Similar to ranked play in a game like Overwatch for example.
Also, another issue, CMM doesn’t prevent you from pitting premade groups of 6 or any number for that matter, against a group of pugs. The first time I played CMM I was matched with a bunch of lower skilled players, against a full premade group of 6 from PUSH, to include BAPMAN. We made no progress at all on attack and were basically stuck at our spawn area. These kinds of games shouldn’t be happening. If a group of premades want to come in stomp, they should be pitted against other premades.