Post your ownage moments against other clans

(thesuzukimethod) #81

[QUOTE=Verticae;374107]None of the other mentioned ones though. :wink:

Really, it seems to be mostly one clan/person within this thread who ruins any good name PS3 competition might’ve had. It’s a pretty big shame.[/QUOTE]

ok i’ll own up to (occasionally) whiney as well, but i try not to brag (i really have not much reason to do) :slight_smile:

yup. one bad apple (the internet is full of slightly-overripe to completely-rotten apples that make otherwise reasonable groups/positions/perspectives look (go?) bad by association)

all i can say is there is a good group of people who are playing Brink semi/sub-competitively (meaning, we use comp type settings, not that we play for money or plan to) on the PS3. and for the most parts, we do grab-bag teams b/c it’s fun to switch up and then there’s no “factionalism”. if they ever implemented clan/ladder type support, we’d probably have to organize, but for now, it’s mainly about finding a good group of people who like a challenge and aren’t tools.

sadly, i stepped on the rake here

(Verticae) #82

To be quite fair, I think that’s better than you’ve ever done in ETQW! :stuck_out_tongue:

(DonkeyDong) #83

[QUOTE=thesuzukimethod;373920]yappy? i resemble that remark… :slight_smile:

i’d like to think i’m pretty reasoned/measured in my response other than i was too dense to avoid the trap (responding at all).

also, donkeydong (just love typing that i guess)…who’s gonna be more embarrassed if it turns out i’m older than you…you or i? :slight_smile:

off to some happy pills of my own (beer too). it was 108 here today…which is about 42 in the rest of the modern world.[/QUOTE]

Naw man. You’re fine. We all are just getting cabin fever because SPLASH DAMAGE isn’t hiring me to whip them into shape in developing games. I’m a programmer and would love to contribute my skills in programming and skill in being a noob in game. I listen to the people and also sometime speak too loud… but if anything, I’d rather talk then not say anything at all. It’s what my mommy said. (But fyi SD I would be 100% legally capable of keeping my mouth shut if you guys made me sign something etc etc).

Thank you for the flattery on my name. It is 100% accurate.

And 108??? Where are you situated? I’m from the North, aka Canadeh… (where some of the best programmers come from…/EOSP (end of sales pitch)

(thesuzukimethod) #84

oh canada! fond memories of being closer to the northern border when i lived in Idaho.

currently down in the borderlands that used to be old mexico (southern arizona)…we are used to the heat (it gets into the 110-teens in june/july) but we are in monsoons (hurricane season), which means higher humidity…which frankly, just sucks. because we dont have air conditioning.

thanks for the rest. this thread was annoying…seems to be over. whew.

edited to add: if i could get a job in toronto or BC i’d be there in a second…well, it would actually take a year, but you get my drift.