Post Your Best Stopwatch Times!

(DanielFluffy) #1

I want to see what the best times everyone is getting in their stopwatch games. I will be recording competitive 5v5, public 6v6, 7v7, and 8v8s for each map. This is simply to show how good you and your team have done.
-Post in comments, or Msg me on steam (id/fluffyallaround)
-Screenshot required (of game review times)
-There must be no players missing from the enemy team
-Date or estimated date match occurred

Best Times Recorded:

Comp. 5v5:
Terminal: N/A
Underground: 2:12
Trainyard: N/A
Chapel: N/A
Bridge: N/A

Pub. 6v6:
Terminal: N/A
Underground: N/A
Trainyard: N/A
Chapel: N/A
Bridge: N/A

Pub. 7v7:
Terminal: N/A
Underground: N/A
Trainyard: N/A
Chapel: N/A
Bridge: N/A

Pub. 8v8:
Terminal: N/A
Underground: N/A
Trainyard: N/A
Chapel: N/A
Bridge: N/A

(N8o) #2

2:12, competitive on Underground.

(TheOrangePhantome) #3

I did play with skyhammer about 50% or less of the game so i can stop the ev and give out some ammo and support my team but in the begging of the attacking half i played with Phantom so i can flank my foes and clear the path and i played with him for a bit but i felt like we needed some airstrikes to break the enemies deffence and if possible pick off some guys or just destroy their turrets and scare them off.
That’s it overall.

(DigitallyRemixd) #4

heres a 2:29 time on Terminal 7v7. was full the whole time, i took my super awesome speed run route and managed to plant immedatley. it was quite fun: