Post a picture of what you think dirty bomb would look like if it was a person.

(DolanAndGoobyTryHard) #1

(tominatorx) #2

(Naralin) #3

(srswizard) #4

Someone is gonna post a picture of a horribly misshapen person… just wait and see.

(tominatorx) #5

Ow yes I’m aware that that is going to happen.

(DolanAndGoobyTryHard) #6

What’s funny is that I never wanted to be on a forum more than I wanted to be playing the game.

(sagaciousCharm) #7

(watsyurdeal) #8


Or any cosplay for that matter

(Mr-Penguin) #9


(YeOldeButtcheek) #10

(SereneFlight) #11

(gg2ez) #12

(Nail) #13

(ThiagoJaqueta) #14

[spoiler] Editing this image made me realize: Holy molly, how this game is pretty! (Considering that it was released almost 13 years ago)