The flaw I see with games in general nowadays is that devs need to reward good players for doing well in a game, enough to justify them playing the game more to get better. This ofc is a good idea, as it adds a skill ceiling to a game and can be for the better of said game if done right.
I do not think snipers have been done right here, even after the nerfs.
Yes, it does take some skill to take down a few enemies with a sniper one after another, and when its constant, I HAVE to give credit where credit is due. However, the fact that this can potentially ruin a game unless you have a sniper => to the other sniper, chances are you have lost, or face an extreme setback.
The devs can change snipers as much as they want, but they forget to add something extremely key. BETTER COUNTERPLAY.
Rushing a good sniper doesn’t work, especially if its vassili, they will just hs you if you come close (trust me, I do this all the time when playing vas). The only way it would even be remotely possible to kill a good sniper is to be good at sniping yourself, or by using explosives in indirect combat, out of their LoS, but these are on a long cooldown and require setup/ have limitations while snipers have a cooldown that is around 2 seconds and have little to no limitations that are unavoidable.
This begs the question as what would happen when everyone in a high-level game can snipe. what happens then?
Will everyone choose to snipe? Or will they know that everyone can counter them so they choose not to? (This is why we have merc limits)
Insta kills are a major flaw of this game imo, where this game should be about retalliation and having the person with better aim always win a 1v1. Snipers still get a free win in a 1v1 everytime, just are weaker at killing multiple enemies. I suppose people could counteract this argument by saying it is a ‘team game’, and it is your fault if you aren’t in a position where a team can protect you.
To which I would respond, if I need my team with me to counter one sniper, who is not supported by his team at the back of the map, something is very wrong.