Please could I have a beta key???

(acQu) #21

I sent you a key via PM. I think it is save to say that this is not Open World AKA Planetside or DayZ. But look for yourself.

(deathrow911) #22

I’m not in the beta but I have played RTCW and ET since I was a kid, and being that this game from what I’ve seen resembles those two so much I would say it’s a CQC with elements of open world, but in my opinion it probably won’t be open like Battlefield which is what I think you are looking for. One team is fighting for the objective while the other team is defending so there are going to be many points in the game where it is close combat because the attacking team is constantly pushing in. Now in ET there were various routes to achieve the objective so you of course could flank and whatnot but if you’re asking if you can run far away from where everyone else is I’d think it’s safe to assume the answer is no. Unless of course you’re running all the way back to where the first spawnpoints were though I dunno why you’d want to do that.

But I could be wrong. Like I said I’m basing my opinion on what type of game RTCW and ET was.

(Ruben0s) #23

Look for another game. That’s all I can say.

(Rex) #24

Maybe you should take a look at Battlefield.

(DaKeD) #25

hello, wondering if anyone has a beta key for me. I have been playing fps on pc for well over a decade and am looking forward to what splash damage has to offer. I played ETQW, and loved the gameplay and teamwork. I had the 4th most kills in ETQW and played mostly infantry. I also play quake2, quakelive, call of duty, and battlefield. Please let me know. Thank you

(Kaetsu) #26

I’ve been following this game forever and I’ve been a HUGE fan of Splash Damage since Quake Wars. I signed up for a beta key the moment I could but I still never got one. It would mean a lot to me if someone had a spare key they could give.

(10Tacle) #27

Hey everybody, v51 (the hello shortcut, if you remember :slight_smile: )

Im 10Tacle from the Flame-Guards community.

We were and still are a bunch of fun-seeking guys with own servers and a huge community. Regulars as well as members were playing ET and its mods day in, night out. One of our affiliates, Marko, even made a specific map that still reaches high cheers when it’s next in rotations :slight_smile: If you’d force me to name my favorite mod, its NoQuarter. Miles ahead in fun, configuratoin and administration. Becoming a regular first, then a “normal” member and Head Admin @ Flame-Guards was a nice and huge part of my experience in online gameing, and I would do all of it again, if I had to chose to.

It’s sad but true, ET dies slowly.

From time to time we try to restart or relaunch a server with memories of the glorious days, but I think the flavor for the majority changed to the LoL’s and DotA’s of these days. But not for me :slight_smile:

I’m still thinking of those days, where starting ET on my bad laptop made me happier than anything.

I’ve first heard (and immediately registered) of the Dirty Bomb game back in 2012. Now, more than 1 year of time has passed, I still seek opportunity to become part of this community.

The search for Betakeys is - well how to say - sucky. Those that have want $$ or other betakeys I not even know the game of. I live in Western Europe, where conventions or big events for gamers are scarce.

If you by chance know of someone who might give a Vet of RtCW and ET a shot at this - assumably - huge game, you’d raise your karma account for sure :wink: Also you’d make me happier than the cookie-monster. Yes, this is possible!

What could I offer you in return?
I play on a well-rounded system, even running BF3 on Ultra. Got TeamSpeak, Skype and a broken Mic. New one to come asap.
I’m not entirely new to video capturing and editing. Perhaps you like to have some (epic) footage of the plays in good quality. I can write pretty straight forward.

If you come by an orthographic mistake, please remind yourself that English is not my first language. Also I apologize for the begging, but since there are indeed nice persons around, I keep my hopes up.


(10Tacle) #28

bump of hope :slight_smile:

(RasteRayzeR) #29

I hear Seanza Claus is giving regularly beta keys on the evaczone web site :

(10Tacle) #30

Mission: Registering on Evaczone completed succesfully.

Thanks for pointing that out to me, didn’t know the site was related

(RasteRayzeR) #31

Now all you have to do is pay attention and check out the web site often :slight_smile:

(10Tacle) #32


Lucky me. A very nice guy from Germany sent me a key in PM without hesitation.
He received my thanks, but I don’t know if he likes to be known for it. I decided to leave it open to him.

Meanwhile I didn’t sit quiet. I was in a game already :slight_smile:
I got wrecked. No Idea if the other guys all had advanced weapons, better skill or just me performing badly.
Playing objective 5on5 was fun, learning new maps and trying to find clipping / jumping / objective bugs all together. Aiming proved harder than I thought. Responsiveness of snipersots or power of different weapons made me wonder. I’m sure they are still all under the balance-hammer, at least as of yesterday, the Assault Rifle proved superior to all I brought with me (sniper, medic, field-ops guy).

Chosing 3 out of all the potentially available types of mercs also was kinda new to me. Normally I just “fill” roles that the team needs. But since you have to chose before you join, this mindset can’t be achieved. Is Extraction going to support the “I play X no matter what”-attitude?
Perhaps this is the place to ask why we have to pre-select them into a bunch of 3? Is this a core-design decision?

Nevertheless, I’m still very happy to be part of this now, and if Meteo wasn’t wrong, I’ll have tons of new experiences after this weekend.

So long

(Rex) #33

Another guy who isn’t aware of the NDA he signed. :rolleyes: Remove your post please!

(10Tacle) #34

Long story short, got one and am happy :smiley:

(system) #35

bump of hope :))

Medcezir 20.Bölüm izle Karagül 31.Bölüm izle

(typodaemon) #36

Hi guys,
I’m trying to get a beta key to be able to play. I’m in the Dallas, TX area if it makes a difference and I’ve previously played Enemy Territory and ET Quake Wars. If you have a key you’d be willing to part with or have any advice on how to get one, please let me know! I just go by typo on steam, you should be able add me here.

(olipops) #37

Ill totally buy an extra extraction beta key off anyone who has a spare :slight_smile:

(AdamHankes) #38

Hi! how much do you pay for the code??

(Garethbah) #39

Has somebody got a spare beta key that they could give me:) ?


(AdamHankes) #40

lucky kucky !!!