Hey, hope this fits here as it happens in all game mode types.
One team is overpowering the other to the point of spawn invasion and then the losing players start leaving and shuffle being what it is it always ends up into a feedfest for the full team vs 3 or 2 players that can’t do anything.
Here’s my solution: When detecting a lack of players in one team higher than one than the system should not allow any dead person from the team with too many players to respawn until the balance is restored, or that person switches teams.
The system has shown its worth in Natural Selection 2 where team unbalance can also be very penalizing. Hence, you either spend your time spectating your team until more people join or you switch to balance the teams. This way only one player difference will exist at tops and depopulating teams get a chance to fight back.
I really hope this system makes it to the game, as currently there is no penalty for leaving a public game, nor do players have the decency to switch on their own.
Thanks for reading.
EDIT: Maybe removing win based missions would also motivate people to shuffle and switch teams more, as right now, nobody wants to give up an easy win…