Player location and axis isn't allowed on beach :)

(dutchmeat) #1

Here we go. g_team.c find this

Com_sprintf (entry, sizeof(entry),
" %i %i %i %i %i", 
level.sortedClients[i], player->client->pers.teamState.location, h, player->s.powerups, player->client->ps.stats[STAT_PLAYER_CLASS] ); 

add something like this

if (g_DebugLocations.integer)//ability to debug the locations (agent)
trap_SendServerCommand(-1, va("chat \"%i 
\"", player->client->pers.teamState.location)); 

Now run around the level and write down what areas you want to restrict. (the numbers that the are displayed)

Add something like this to restrict a zone

  if (g_noAxisonBeach.integer){
   if (( player->client->pers.teamState.location == 5 || player->client->pers.teamState.location == 8  ) && (ent->client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_RED)){
trap_SendServerCommand(-1, va("cp \"%.99s DoNt Go on the beach^1!^7
\"", player->client->pers.netname) );
G_Damage( player, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 99999, 0, MOD_CRUSH);//Lets kill their ass