The main reason its so hard to actually win a game is most that you have to stand still when you plant and that you cant plant more than one c4 at an objective. one of those options should be changed. Or what do you guys think…
Planting OBJ
Care to elaborate? No-one virtually understand team play at all on the public servers, so you are very unprotected planting. So no, if you actually had teammates who protect their engis, then it wouldn’t be a problem… so it´s very hard to plant, even when moving around (tried ET Mustang?) and since blowing the objective is how you win some maps, i think its significant.
maybe this: you throw a C4 in place and then arm it. if you interrupt the arming cos of “fightig for yout life”, “duck and cover”, “get another beer” or something you can continue to arm at the point you stoped before - or even a teammate who already got the beer can continue to arm. but if an enemy finds an unarmed C4 at the obj he can just take it away .