Picture embedding policy required

(murka) #1

A heated discussion commenced in the brink screenshot thread regarding picture size embedded in a post. A rule should be made about the largest image size or, if possible, a script to automatically resize oversized images.

I believe banning oversized images does more good than harm. Not everyone has a fast connection to download a huge image, the image will break the forum’s preset width making it look ugly and in some cases introduce horizontal scrollbars which are a nightmare in web browsing.

In case a lower resolution screenshot lacks the required detail, there is always the option to embed a thumbnail into a link to the full-res image. Most image hosting services provide this option for the end-user requiring no additional action from their side.


(darthmob) #2

Most definitely!

(light_sh4v0r) #3

Yes indeed, +1

(INF3RN0) #4

(Mustang) #5

IIRC there are plenty of auto-resize plugins available, should be an easy fix

(tokamak) #6

I always make my screenshots 900 width. It stretches the forums a bit but it’s never too big for those with modest screens or slow connections.

(DarkangelUK) #7

Stupidly large pics I can understand being annoying, but getting the hump because it ‘breaks’ away from the side? I’d say we have a mild case of OCD if the sides not lining up annoy you. But yes, there are plugins for vb3 that will auto-fit pics to keep the sides flush for the OCD crowd, and you can click on it to view the original pic.

(tokamak) #8

Yeah some boards allow you to make [AIMG] tags next to [IMG] which auto-resizes the picture to fit. But it takes some vb wizardry to get that right.

(Apples) #9

autoresize hack by timmeh7 might do the trick, but I only have a link in french, the english thread is locked for unlicensed users, but you sd guyz might have access?


(light_sh4v0r) #10

Ooh scrollbars, sexy :smiley:

(DarkangelUK) #11

Be nice if there was an option to click on the pic and have it open full instead of having to scroll left and right to see it all.

(FireWorks) #12


While I perceived the large pics as minor annoyance, the scroll bars make me think why I bought a 1920x1200 screen. Please make the bars optional somehow.

(FightsInTheShade) #13

I like Brink and this forum is very informative. I was also enjoying the screenie thread.

I have to say though, it does say Screenshots in the topic name. I associate screenshots with large, detailed images. As a result I’ve come to expect such things to be rendered in inconvenient or HTML-unattractive ways. Normally I wouldn’t view a screenshot thread on a mobile device unless I was extraordinarily bored, but that’s just me. The thing is, really, it’s a screenshot thread. Is this really the first time this has been an issue? Haven’t people posted screenies of other SD games to this forum?

I know this breaks from the crowd and my lack of European-ness may lend to my bandwidth and monitor immodesty. But come on.

(light_sh4v0r) #14

Thing is I’d rather decide myself which pictures I want to see in detail. Thumbnails are great for overview.

(FightsInTheShade) #15

Fair enough. Makes sense.